Fall Capacity Building Grant 

Capacity Building Grants are given out twice each year during the winter and summer. The grants address capacity building needs to strengthen an organization’s effectiveness, sustainability or efficiency. 


Capacity Building Grants are given out twice each year during the spring and fall. The grants address capacity building needs to strengthen an organization’s effectiveness, sustainability or efficiency. 

An organization cannot be awarded two consecutive Capacity Building grants unless it is invited to apply for a second round of support.  

The maximum grant amount is $5,000.  

Eligibility requirements:  

Applicants must be an IRS 501(c)(3) public charity, school, government entity or religious organization. Requested support must be for organizations or activities that take place within the following counties: Oglala Lakota, Fall River, Custer, Pennington, Meade, Lawrence, and Butte counties.  

Eligible projects:
Requests must address one or more of the following categories within a 1-year period. 

  • Measurements and Evaluation   
  • Partnership Development  
  • Strategic Planning  
  • Board Engagement/Development  
  • Marketing and Donor Engagement  
  • Technology Needs and Technical Support   
  • Staff Development/Retention  

Requests must address the long-term sustainability of the organization. For example, BHACF would not consider a request to support three months of utilities but would support hiring a consultant to improve financial management or donor relations.  

Ineligible projects:

  • Grants will not be awarded to support religious activity, political activity, fundraisers or benefits, debt retirement or organizations working to primarily influence legislation.  
  • Supported organizations and activities may not discriminate against any individual or group based on race, gender, gender expression, age, disability, religion, ethnic or national origin, or otherwise legally protected groups.  
  • Funding for multi-year projects.
  • Funding can’t be used for reimbursement of any expenses incurred prior to the grant notification date.  
  • Capital campaigns.

Application review criteria:

In reviewing applications, the Foundation’s Grants Committee will consider the following:  

  • Does the organization and its related efforts improve the quality of life and meet identified needs in the Black Hills region?  
  • Does the organization maximize community resources through cooperation, collaboration and shared learning?  
  • Will the developed capacity improve the operational and programmatic functions of the organization?  
  • Will the proposed capacity to be developed improve the long-term sustainability of the organization?  

Grantmaking process and timeline
All grant decisions will be communicated to all applicants within a reasonable amount of time.  

Selected organizations will be asked to sign a grant agreement within a week of being notified of their grant award. They will be responsible for providing a final report at the completion of the grant-related work or within 30 days following the completion of the grant year. 

How to apply:   

If this is your organization’s first application, you will need to create an account in our grant application portal. When you apply, you’ll login to the portal with your email and password.  

Contact Carrie Robley at carrie@bhacf.org if you have any questions about your organization’s account. 

Status: Closed
Opening Date: 08/01/2025
Closing Date: 09/14/2025
Grant Amount: $5,000
Funding Area: Capacity Building