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Every year, Black Hills residents vote online for a meaningful cause to benefit from at least $100,000 in grants.

In 2024, “Beautiful Black Hills” received our community’s popular vote, and 10 nonprofits received funding for outdoor spaces work.

Learn about the Beautiful Black Hills grantees below, and stay tuned for our 2025 community survey!

2024 Grantees: Beautiful Black Hills

 In 2024, Black Hills residents resoundingly voted to support “Beautiful Black Hills.” This issue area focuses on caring for the outdoor spaces that make the Black Hills such a wonderful place to live.

Our community emphasized maintaining healthy natural spaces, promoting recreation, and the importance of the outdoors on our residents’ wellbeing. 

In response, BHACF directed $125,000 in grants to 10 nonprofits:

Black Hills Trails: Supports construction and maintenance on the Centennial Trail.
Black Hills Bike Hub: Supports strategic planning and operational expenses.
Hanson-Larsen Memorial Park: Supports updated signage along the trail.
Black Hills Parks and Forests Association: Supports interpretive installations at state and federal parks.
Booth Society, Inc: Supports the Junior Ranger Program and updated signage.
The Nature Conservancy: Supports a stewardship project in the Southern Hills.
Pathways Spiritual Sanctuary: Supports upkeep of Pathways Sanctuary.
Black Hills Environmental Coalition: Supports a projects pool, where organizations can collaborate on outdoor spaces work together.
Casting for Recovery: Supports a fly-fishing retreat for women affected by breast cancer.
Casting Vets: Supports three ice fishing retreats for veterans in the Black Hills.

From Our Community

The responses below were anonymously submitted through the Thriving Communities 2024 survey for the winning cause, “Beautiful Black Hills.” Photos were provided by BHACF staff members.

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Have questions? Connect with Carrie.

Carrie Robley, Director of Community Impact, manages the Thriving Communities Initiative. She’s happy to answer your questions or share ways to partner with us.